June is CDKL5 Awareness Month
Hi Everyone!
June is CDKL5 Awareness month and if you are new to our candle business, our little Rian was born with this very rare and uncurable epileptic genetic disorder. She was finally diagnosed at 8 months of age. Rian struggles with uncontrollable seizures, global developmental delay, cognitive impairment (she is legally blind) she has ventricular tachycardia, feeding difficulties which have led her to having a GJ tube where she gets her full nutrition and medications. Rian cannot walk, she cannot talk and she is on daily oxygen as well as many other medical needs, and therefor relies 100% on us for her care.
Rian is very medically complex and there is currently NO CURE for this disorder, BUT this little girl is THE LIGHT OF OUR LIVES and her smile and laughs bring warmth and joy to everyone around her. We hope our candles do the same to all of you.
You can help us in finding better treatments , therapies and possibly one day a cure by purchasing anyone one of our candles OR you can purchase our specialty candle for the month of June in honor of Rian and all of her CDKL5 brothers and sisters.